The Introduction

So in case you were wondering what this is all about ...

This website is here to serve as a development log and showcase of the progress made for my graded unit and collage projects.
Full source code for all projects will be available for download, and I will be updating the site with new projects as they are completed.

Please note, the GitHub repo is currently private, but will be made public once the projects are completed and graded.

Legend of Sky Wizards

Created in Unreal Engine, this game is designed show show my understanding and abilities within a 3D game environment.

Legend of Sky Wizards
But from the side

Created using SFML, this game is designed with the requirement '2D game with a 3D aspect'.

Sky Wizards in Roblox

My kids love Roblox, so thought I could expand my skill stack and add Roblox creator to it.